上田 叶 & 脇田 建: 会話データの可視化に関するサーベイ - 第49回可視化情報シンポジウム

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上田 叶、脇田 建

Abstract: Various visualization methods are used to make data easier to understand, but due to scalability and data structure, it may be difficult to recognize the features of the data we want to convey from the visualization. Therefore, in addition to visualization, research has been done to provide the features of data by words. In this paper, using the Social Progress Index, a time-series data with a large number of items as an example, we propose a system that provides visualizations to support data analysis and template-based summary sentences of the data. In this paper, we also explain how to search for data in the form of time series data and how to construct templates to generate summary text of the data. Finally, we show the usability of the system through a case study.

Keyword: Time Series Data, Explanatory Visualization

