LX06: Task Abstraction - Part II


  • さまざまな抽象化レベルにおける VIS の利用目的と、その適応対象のデータについて学ぶ


  • Section 3: Why: Task Abstraction in Munzner, Tamara, “Visualization: Analysis and Design,” pp. 55-AK Peters Visualization Series, 2015.

    • 3.5: Targets

    • 3.6: How: A Preview

    • 3.7: Analyzing and Deriving: Examples

      • 3.7.1: Compare Two Idioms
        • SpaceTree (Plaisant+ 2002)

          (Plaisant+ 2002) SpaceTree: supporting exploration in large node link tree, design evolution and empirical evaluation, INFOVIS 2002, pp. 57-64, 2002. DOI: 10.1109/INFVIS.2002.1173148

        • (Munzner+ 2003) TreeJuxtaposer: Scalable tree comparison using Focus+Context with guaranteed visibility, SIGGRAPH 2003, pp. 453-462, 2003.

        What these tools take as input data is the same: a large tree composed of nodes and links. Why these tools are being used is for the same goal in this sce- nario: to present a path traced between two nodes of interest to a colleague. In more detail, both tools can be used to locate paths between nodes and identify them.

        Some aspects of idioms are the same: both systems allow the user to navigate and to select a path, with the result that it’s en- coded differently from the nonselected paths through highlighting. The systems differ in how elements of the visualization are ma- nipulated and arranged. SpaceTree ties the act of selection to a change of what is shown by automatically aggregating and filtering the unselected items. In contrast, TreeJuxtaposer allows the user to arrange areas of the tree to ensure visibility for areas of interest.

      • 3.7.2: Deriving One Attribute

        (Auber 2002) D. Auber, Using Strahler numbers for real time visual exploration of huge graphs, International conference on Computer vision and graphics, I-3, pp. 56-69, 2019.

      • 3.7.3: Deriving Many New Attributes

        (Henze 1998) C. Henze, Feature detection in linked derived spaces, proceedings of Visualization 98, pp. 87-94, 1998. DOI: 10.1109/VISUAL.1998.745289